Our Boat

Our Boat
Westsail 32, s/v Harbinger

Friday, September 18, 2015

Back in a Marina

And we are back in a marina. The good parts of being in one place for a long time, winter, is having electricity, propane, diesel, showers, water, laundry, mailbox, and groceries available at our fingertips. We are actually spoiled with conveniences, yet not spoiled with enrichment of being out there.

When we are out there on the hook we conserve everything and yet enjoy it all. We know the tide and weather, like the back of our hands. We experience the storms. We experience the gentle sway of calm days. And we experience new places.

The lack of exploring new places, seeing the same harbor everyday, grows inside us an unsettling desire to take off. I believe exploration is growth which makes life very worth living every second. There are some days we don't even take our cameras, we just want to experience it all.

Patience my dear, as Michael would tell me, we will be back on the hook again.