Our Boat

Our Boat
Westsail 32, s/v Harbinger

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Purchasing the boat

Wow, what a week it was. We viewed the two boats and decided on her, my husband and I pretty much had our mind made up after we sat in her and visited with the owner.

We talked all night about what we liked and did not like, then we went and saw her again the next day. It was business this time, we spoke to a surveyor and started talking money. The owner was pretty set on his price 26,500, he did go down to 25,000.  We shook on the price and pending the survey, then left this was on Saturday.

My husband and I got into a big argument on Sunday, he drove home to get the money and more stuff.  On Monday, we called and scheduled for marinas, survey, and haul out for Thursday, told owner we would need boat at marina by Wednesday.  My husband and the owner planned to motor the boat to marina Wednesday morning, it would take 3 hours.

Finding the marina was quite easy. Once my husband got back on Monday from a drive to home and back, we decided to plan out the week. By this time, we had moved passed our argument (not sure what we were arguing for, just nervous I guess) and set Tuesday to find a marina. Luckily, we had traveled quite a bit around the sound to know what each area looked like. We visited several marinas on Tuesday and decided on the marina nearest the haul out, a marina we had been to before, which had lots of amenities. The other marinas were too far, or not so nice, and very industrial. We wanted a marina that could offer a family options while living aboard. We know that this will be a temporary living arrangement, like our spring board to get us ready, but we want it to be tolerable.

Wednesday the owner and my husband took off in the boat, those lucky dogs. Me and our son drove to the marina and met them, we fell more in love with this boat. We were so excited to see them pulling into the marina, and could not wait to get this stuff over and sail away.

Thursday the surveyors inspected her and had her hauled out. My husband negotiated some more with owner because there are some issues, he dropped 1,000 off the price. We sat inside her for a couple hours after the survey contemplating the work needed, the size, the price, and our plans. My husband called the owner and set a time to exchange money for the boat on Friday, and see if he could help us get her in our new slip.

Friday we met the owner, exchanged the money and he easily slipped the boat into our new slip. Later that day, we learned our boat was too big for the slip and that we needed to move it the next day. Our novice experience of moving boats in tight areas had us somewhat worried. We cleaned a bunch of stuff out of the boat that night, when we left the marina to head back to our hotel, we noticed how peaceful the marina was. Looked up and saw a million stars, walked around and heard wildlife, we thought to ourselves this is nice.

Saturday morning our new marina community was very welcoming. We got offers to help jump the engine. My husband started moving the boat while our son and I ate a snack, the fellow boater neighbors helped him tie the boat into the new slip. They even gave our son a new life jacket, we had left home without one, and the one he was wearing was too big.

We had to leave and come home to finish downsizing. And now we cannot wait to go back!

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