Our Boat

Our Boat
Westsail 32, s/v Harbinger

Friday, August 2, 2013

Deck, aka Ready, Bag for Stay Sail

After many weeks of contemplating the colors and design of the deck bags, in light of deck paint and hull colors on boat, I finally pulled the trigger and bought the material.

I decided to buy remnants of various colors of sunbrella material at the canvas store downtown. And use different colors on the bag, made it unique, yet not too hodge podgie. I had three patterns to go by, I read the pattern in the canvas book, I read the pattern on sailrite, and I inspected the one deck bag survived on our boat (which happens to be for the stay sail). So I decided to use these patterns as my general guide, I can never really stick with a pattern, yah know. I also looked around the marina at other bags and noted the different clasps and zippers.

I had to order some tools for this project which turned out to be very helpful. My hubby always says the right tool makes the job better, so I bit the bullet and bought a $50 tool to set the twist fasteners.

It took me two days of measuring, cutting, sewing, and fastening to work out this bag. Let me say again that I love using a stapler, instead of pins, to prep my fabric for sewing and even test fit the bag. The staples are so easy to work with and they hold the fabric in place.

Here is a picture of the finished project, this is the stay sail deck bag (next is jib sail bag):

Beige on starboard.

Navy on port side.

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