Our Boat

Our Boat
Westsail 32, s/v Harbinger

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cleaning and fix boat, then clean and fix boat some more

Our trip back to the boat a couple weeks ago meant more work, clean a lot, there is dirt everywhere. The boat is structurally sound, but needs seriously cleaning and repairs. The previous owners just made a mess.

Installed composting head, tested it out and it works great. The urine jug gets full quick with all three of us peeing in it, then emptying it is a chore and sometimes the urine smell is yucky. We are thinking about alternate ways of emptying our pee. The compost for poop works great. There is hardly any odor. We poop in it, use toilet paper, spray little water, turn handle, and no odor! We love this composting head.

We've been fighting some kind of cold or flu, or maybe both. This being sick and trying to clean sucks. I got some herbs at the store and have been making all kinds of teas to help our congestion and cough, some work better than others. Slowly our medicine cabinet is shrinking and our herb collection is growing. We intend to stay away from modern medicine and nurture our illness with natural remedies. It takes longer, but in the long run it will make us stronger. Plus we no longer have insurance, and cannot imagine how expensive it would be for all three of us to visit the doctor and pay for the medications prescribed.

Now that we have stayed on the boat we are realizing how much stuff we still have in our house that we gotta get rid of. The boat is nice and cozy, just big enough for us. There is storage everywhere in this thing. It is smaller than our house, but cozy. So we get back home and we realize, oh my we have a lot more stuff to get rid of. We have to reduce our clothes, kitchen, bathroom, toys, books, memorabilia, pictures on wall, papers, tools, hobby stuff, bikes, and finish scanning all our thousands of photos. It is a lot of work, we have already reduced so much, we have more to do but I know we can do it.

We left her again and cannot wait to go back!

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