Our Boat

Our Boat
Westsail 32, s/v Harbinger

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sewing Project for Dock Neighbor

We are learning the sailor lifestyle and how to help neighbors out. Here at the marina, things are different, than in the city. Our neighbor gives us rides and goodies, like fresh crab, and we help him with mechanical and canvas stuff. The friendliness at the marina is addicting, many people offer to help and always say Hi or open the gate door while on gangway (a bridge to the gate from the dock).

Our neighbor needed a companionway cover, we talked about it and I offered to make it for him. He got the material and snaps, then I sewed it up. I took the measurements to make sure we had enough material, we only needed 1 yard. We also discussed which fasteners to use, the color thread, and where to secure snaps to companionway.

After all that, I used my freezer paper to draw a diagram of what the cover should look like size wise and with the lip at top, cut out for lock in the middle, and length/sides of cover. 

I made two pieces of material. The first piece was quite difficult to measure and sew for the lip. I used vinyl under the canvas to help it lay and grip around the lip. The second piece was easy, I just cut and sewed based on the trapezoid shape. I used a piece of Dacron at the top seam of the bottom piece, so I could leave a small opening for the lock, between top n bottom pieces. 

This picture was taken before I finished attaching the two pieces, (you can see the white Dacron showing between top n bottom where lock will be). I was measuring where to fix top to bottom. I like to staple the pieces together and keep trying them out to make sure it fits. Right before I did this picture I had to adjust the top piece over the lip and place a seam so it would lay flatter over the lip and more even, this was tricky. I'm always adjusting and readjusting, then measuring and remeasuring.

The finished product looks nice, covers the companionway, and we are all good neighbors!

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